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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Miracles of the Holy al-Quran

The following is an analysis (partial) of some of the numerical miracles of the Quraan. NO. The word No. of times mentioned in Quraan

Dunia 115
Aakhirat 115

Malaikat 88
Shaytan 88

Life 145
Death 145

Benefit 50
Corrupt 50

People 50
Messengers 50

Eblees (king of devils) 11
Seek refuge from eblees 11

Museebah (calamity) 75
Thanks 75

Spending (sadaqah) 73
Satisfaction 73

people who are Mislead 17
Dead people 17

Muslimeen 41
Jihad 41

Gold 8
Easy life 8

Magic 60
Fitnah (dissuasion, misleading) 60

Zakat 32
Barakah 32

Mind 49
Noor (light) 49

Tongue 25
Sermon 25

Desire 8
Fear 8

Speaking publicly 18
Publicising 18

Hardship 114
Patience 114

Mohammad 4
Sharee*ah 4

Man 24
Woman 24

Solat (Prayer ) 5

Month 12

Day 365

sea 32
Land 31
Sea + land = 32 + 13 = 45
% sea = 32/45 * 100 % = 71.11111111
% land= 13 / 45 * 100 % = 28.88888889

The new science has proven that the water covers 71.111 % of the earth, while the land covers 28.889 %

Is this a coincidence? Who taught prophet Mohammad all this?
Allah,the AllMighty taught him this.
This is but a few of the scientific miracles of the Quraan. There are many more miracles in the field of numbers, astronomy, space, medicine, geology, engineering, mind, etc.
The above is from the *the series of the scientific miracles in Quraan*, by Dr. Tariq Al Suwaidan

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Noraini Md Kalil
ANSI Berhad